WP Blipper Widget: fixed

The problem with my WP Blipper Widget was so frustrating and incomprehensible to me that I asked Digital Ocean for help. I opened a support ticket, and detailed my woes.

Chris B got right back to me. He suspected a missing PHP package somewhere. He gave me a way to diagnose the problem: stick these lines of code in my source file:

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

This generated the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function wpbw_Blipfoto\wpbw_Api\curl_init() in/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-blipper-widget/includes/Blipfoto/Api/Request.php on line 130

So I was missing the cURL library thing. I had no idea how to install it. Probably some sort of sudo apt-get affair. I had a google, then emailed Chris back. He told me I could install cURL by using the following:

sudo apt-get install -y curl php5-curl

(I was right: it was some sort of sudo apt-get affair.)
He said I might have to restart apache, and gave me the command for that, too:

sudo service apache2 restart

I did those things (luckily I’d got the SSH key up-and-running previously, so that was no bother), then I reloaded my web page. It only worked! I am delighted.

I recommend Digital Ocean for web hosting based on my experience so far.

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